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Explode Your Internet Marketing Business with this Simple Strategy

Do you want to explode your internet marketing business profits? Stupid question, I know! While there are many things you need to do well in order to be successful with internet marketing, there is one simple thing that can really help you increase your internet marketing profits. That one thing is to simply seek feedback from your customers after they purchase something from you or contact them to offer help after they join a business opportunity under you.

Obviously the fastest way to increase your internet marketing business profits is to get as many people as possible buying from you. That is obvious. But what isn’t quite so obvious is the need for internet marketers to make their existing customers happy so that they become repeat customers. Then when you get new customers, your customer base will grow much more quickly. As the number of customers grows, so too will your profits.

The way to keep your customers happy so that they’ll continue to buy things from you is to send them an email after they buy something from you. In the email thank them for the purchase and ask them for feedback about what they bought. This one simple act will explode your internet marketing business profits because it will make your customers feel like you care about them and it will also allow you to improve your business based on the feedback you get.

So, after someone buys something from you and becomes a customer of yours, be sure to send them an email asking them what they think of their purchase and if they need anything else. To help encourage them to provide you with feedback you could even offer to give them a free gift. This one simple act of sending a follow-up email to your customers will explode your internet marketing profits and help grow your business exponentially.

Posted in Internet Marketing

How to Find Internet Marketing Success Much Faster

If you work very hard at learning how to make money online then you will achieve internet marketing success as long as you don’t give up. Internet marketing success does take time but it will eventually come to you if you really try. But if you want to succeed faster then there are some simple things you can do. Here are a few ways to help you find internet marketing success much more quickly…

1) Find a Good Mentor

A super way to put your internet marketing efforts on the fast-track is to get a mentor to help you out. A mentor is someone who has already done all the things you are trying to do and will work with you and show you how to make money online. You just have to make sure you find the right mentor. Obviously you want to choose someone who is already a successful internet marketer and someone who can show you how to be successful too. But more than this, you also want to choose a mentor who you are compatible and comfortable with as well as someone you can trust.

2) Work 30 More Minutes Per Day

If you can find just 30 more minutes every day to put in focused work on your online business it will work wonders. That doesn’t sound like a long time and it isn’t. However, that extra time can really help you move closer to internet marketing success. An extra half hour every day will equal 15 extra hours – about 2 extra days of work – each and every month. Spread out over a year that’s about an extra month’s worth of work. Looking at it this way will show you how you can be successful faster with just an extra 30 minutes of work every day.

3) Utilize Joint Ventures

One of the biggest ways that the top internet marketers seem to succeed so easily is because they forum joint ventures with each other. Basically a joint venture is when you get other people to help you sell and/or market what you’re selling in exchange for those people getting something from you in return. Whenever you have something to sell you should try to form quality joint venture partnerships with successful internet marketers.

If you do the three simple things listed above, you will build your online business and find internet marketing success much faster.

Posted in Internet Marketing, online business

Why You Won’t Become a Successful Internet Marketer

If you are a typical internet marketing newbie you started out something like this…

You heard that there are people called “internet marketers” earning fortunes online. You thought that sounded like a great way to earn a living so you decided that you were going to become one of these mysterious internet marketers so you could make money online too. So, you bought a few ebooks on how to do this, found some MMO blogs to read, and started trying to learn every internet marketing strategy you could find.

Then, you built a blog and started implementing some of your newly learned internet marketing knowledge to drive some traffic to it.

Soon after you made your first commission or whatever and earned a little money… That’s if you are one of the lucky ones. But you quickly found out that you aren’t making money nearly as quickly and easily as you thought you would, so you contemplated quitting. Fortunately, you haven’t given up yet because you are reading this right now but most aspiring internet marketers quit as soon as they realize they actually have to work to make money online and aren’t going to get rich in a month or two.

Most beginning internet marketers never really even get started before they decide to quit. Only about 20% percent ever make even a little money and of those remaining only about another 20% of them ever make any real money. And, it’s the very rare internet marketer who becomes truly wealthy from his online business.

Are you getting discouraged yet?

Don’t be! Just be sure that you’re starting your internet marketing business with your eyes wide open, with your work ethic intact, and free of false hopes.

You see, the whole “you can make millions online by next month” crowd are a bunch of idiots. News flash… You are NOT going to get rich this year from internet marketing! However, if you approach it right, and put in a lot of time and hard work, you can eventually get rich from it. You can make money online and have the lifestyle you want to live but you can’t expect to do it right away.

After a lot of learning, implementing, long hours, blood, sweat, and tears… You can become financially independent as an internet marketer.

Thomas Edison said that most people stop just short of success.

In the case of internet marketing, he was wrong! Most people never even get off the proverbial couch. Most folks never enter the ring. Most people never take action. You can’t make money if you don’t do something to earn it.

So, step one of building a successful internet marketing business is… Take Action!

Step two… Do something each day to grow your business. Even if whatever you’re doing isn’t working after you’ve given it real shot, then change to something else.

Success is the result of hard work, whether it’s online success or offline. The internet marketers you hear about who are making millions are the ones who woke up two hours early to work on their websites before going to their ten hour a day job, then came home and worked on their online businesses until bed time. They did this over and over again until they made enough money to quit their day jobs. Then, they did it all day every day until they were rich!

It’s all about hard Work! Got it?

If you can commit yourself to truly making your internet marketing business succeed, the sky’s the limit for you. No one can stop you. Your competitors can’t stop you. The government can’t stop you. Your boss can’t stop you. Your spouse can’t stop you. NOTHING can stop you if you really want to become a successful internet marketer!

All you have to do is decide right here and now that you will build a successful online business and you will be rich someday. After that the only force in the world that can stop you is YOU.

So get started on your internet marketing business right now and let nothing get in the way of your success and financial freedom!

Posted in Internet Marketing, Make Money Online

How to Learn Internet Marketing

In the beginning of what we now call “internet marketing” there were a small group of people who were making money online. They were self taught and many of them later became known as “internet marketing gurus” – some of whom continue to have that title today.

Each of them developed their own internet marketing style, and depending on the industry and the market you were targeting your website to, you followed one of them if you wanted to make money online. The result was a very predictable outcome and what worked for one website or niche could not be duplicated on another. However, in more recent times there has been a steady development of internet marketing systems that can be used across many different niches and with almost any type of website. They basically take all the good things from all the internet marketing gurus of today and package them into a few different systems.

Today the term “internet marketing” has a very broad definition and can be learned by just about anyone in order to make money online. Until a few years ago, you could not simply learn internet marketing you had to develop your strategy on your own. That used to take a lot of time so it would take a year or two to get an online business off the ground because the marketing strategies had to be developed from scratch and fine tuned to fit the internet business you were building.

Nowadays, if you are starting a new online business, all you really need to do is identify the goal you have for your business, set the wheels in motion, and learn internet marketing from the experts so you can work toward your money making goal. That little investment will enable you to shave years off the time it takes your internet business to turn a profit, and that is a wonderful return on your investment.

There are several systems you can use to learn internet marketing and I suggest that you find one that has been proven to work with the type of online business or website you are trying to get started. You can make money online, there’s no doubt about that, but you must learn internet marketing strategies before you will get traffic to your website or earn any money.

Posted in Internet Marketing

Two Tips for Creating Profitable Websites

Most internet marketers assume that driving traffic to a website is all that it takes to make money online. At least they think that at first until they realize they aren’t making much money, if any at all, and soon figure out that there is a LOT more to internet marketing than just getting traffic to a website.

Getting traffic is very important, but that’s only one part of the internet marketing equation. It’s like you’re playing football, and your team just got a first down. That’s a good start, but there’s still a long way to go before you get a touchdown, or in your case to get money in your bank account.

After people come to your site, they have to stay there long enough to actually take some sort of action that leads to you making money, either directly or indirectly. You want them to click on your ads, buy something, or give you their email address. Visitors who read some information on your site then leave without taking any action aren’t going to make you any money.

You shouldn’t depend on people bookmarking your site on their browser either because hardly anyone does that anymore. Plenty of people participate in social bookmarking, but that’s not really to remember a site they liked, it’s more to share the site with others.

Basically what I am saying is you really want your visitor to either give you their email address or buy something through your affiliate link. If they don’t do that then you have probably lost them forever because even if they leave with the feeling that your site has content they really liked and that they intent to come back, they most likely never will. There’s just too many sites and information being thrown at them for them to remember yours.

So, here are a couple tips that will help you to either make more sales or get more of your visitors email addresses…

Tip 1: Use an opt-in email form with a free gift to entice them

Decide what kind of information your market really wants. If you’re in weight loss, then your market probably wants cutting edge information about losing weight. If you promote online business information, then it should be about how to make money online. You can find all of this information for free online. You don’t have to be an expert to do this. All you need to do is to write a five to seven page report that outlines a few tips that your market wants to know. Then you put an opt-in email form on your website for them to put in their email address in order to get your report for free.

Tip 2: Banners Don’t Work

Of course, as an internet marketer, you want to make money from your website. And one action you want your visitor to take is to buy something, either your product or an affiliate product. I’m sure you have seen a lot of websites with banner advertisements on them so you might be considering putting them on yours. However, banners don’t work very well at all. Text links work a lot better. Whether you’re sending your buyer to an affiliate offer or to your own offer, text links have been proven, time and time again, to be much more effective than banners.

If you follow just these two internet marketing tips, you can exponentially increase how much money you make from your website! What’s even better is you’ll be collecting email addresses from people that you can sell to over and over again!

Posted in Internet Marketing, Make Money Online
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