Browsing Category: "Affiliate Marketing"

Super Affiliate System Review (John Crestani) and Members Area Overview

Here is my real review and walk-through of the super affiliate system from John Crestani (formerly Internet Jetset, aka IMjetset)…

If you are wanting to start an online business or skyrocket your affiliate marketing efforts without all the trial & error, I think the super affiliate system is the best course out there for teaching you how to do exactly that.

The sheer amount of real value and actual training in this is insane! I’ve been through hundreds of courses and I have never seen one that goes this in-depth and teaches everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Tips Part 3 – Future of Publishing

Oliver Roup is sharing the last episode in a three-part Future of Publishing mini-series about affiliate marketing. Last week, we shared part two of the affiliate marketing tips series. This week’s episode is about affiliate fraud. Now we’re sharing part 3:


  • Faked data is obvious…
  • Just look back to Research 2000’s fake polls in 2010…
  • But it’s easy to catch if you pay attention to detail and look over it manually; any cheat can beat an algorithm but fewer can beat common sense
Posted in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Tips Part 2 in FoP

Affiliate marketing tips videos are often very basic, and don’t really tell much. Last week’s Future of Publishing video (linked above) went beyond that as Oliver Roup of VigLink gave in-depth interviews with affiliate marketing gurus. This week, we continue the interviews in part two in Future of Publishing. Check it out below:


  • Know who you’re marketing to…
  • Spend time writing good copy…
  • Remember that you’re a trust agent!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing Tips – F.O.P.

Nobody ever said internet marketing was easy. In fact, the vast majority of people who try to make money online do not succeed, and many that do are only barely scraping by. Part of this is because they do not do proper marketing research before they get involved in their niche or they choose a niche that they’re not interested in. Other times, it is because they do not have a good monetization strategy.

In this Future of Publishing episode, VigLink CEO, Oliver Roup, interviews a panel of affiliate marketing experts so that you can learn how to monetize your site through affiliate marketing.


  1. Affiliate marketing works…
  2. If it’s well-aimed…
  3. And you’re selling a good product!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online

Earn Money Online to Pay off Your Holiday Debt

Did you spend a little too much money for holiday gifts, trips, and extra food? If you did then you certainly aren’t alone. This is one time of year that many people spend more money than they can afford and take on a lot of debt to do it. Earning money on the internet will help you pay off that extra debt and give you some breathing room to take care of your bills. When you earn money online you can pay off your holiday debt in no time!

There are a lot of different ways to earn money online. You can sell products and services, you can auction off stuff you don’t use anymore, you can offer an online service or do freelance work, or you can promote products for other people through affiliate marketing. You can make a lot of money from all of these ways to earn money online. The key is to choose the one that works best for you or combine some of them into your own money making system.

Before you can start to earn money online and actually begin to pay off your holiday debt, you need to do a little research on the various ways to make money on the internet. Look into the best internet marketing strategies and choose what is best for you. Some good ways to do this are to visit internet marketing forums and blogs (such as the one you’re reading right now) to get answers to your questions. You should also find some information on affiliate marketing so you know what types of products you can promote on the internet, and how to do it.

If you like to write and you’re pretty good at it then that might be the way to go because writing content for other internet marketers is one of the fastest and easiest ways to earn money online. It’s not the best internet business model for the long run but it can be a good way to make some short term profits to pay the bills.

You can certainly pay off your extra holiday debt by finding ways to earn money online. You just need to spend a little bit of time researching your options and finding what works best for you. Once you choose a way to make money on the internet then you just have to get busy actually working. Before you know it, you won’t have any more of that holiday debt and you’ll be all caught up on bills.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, Make Money Online
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