5 Essential Success Support Tools to Enable and Promote Victory in the Internet Marketing Arena

So much is promised across the internet from all the “experts” who are determined to show you “The One Way” to succeed in the Internet Marketing Arena.

I call it the “Arena” because internet marketing is not a spectator sport. You must have, or work on developing, the “Fortitude and Burning Desire” to enter that “Arena” and “Fight” for your rightful place in that world if, you really want to achieve victory on your Internet Marketing Success Quest.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I’m here to tell you that I know you can do this if, you really have a “Burning Desire” to do so but, there are 4 prerequisites for success in the Internet Marketing Arena, that you must be aware of and that you need to know and embrace before, you launch your Success Quest:

1 – Make an unalterable personal commitment that you will “Never Give Up Striving,” to achieve the success that you need so badly.

2 – Never stop asking questions and never, let anyone dissuade or intimidate you, to stop asking questions. Continue to persist in being inquisitive and you’ll succeed.

“The most important thing is to be inquisitive and not to stop questioning”- Albert Einstein

3 – There is not just “one way” to succeed in the Internet Marketing Arena.

There is just “your way” and you have to find that way by “digging deep and being patient.”

4 – Please consider my humble advice. I would like to introduce you to “The b.u.d.d.i Concept.”

These 5 essential tools: balance, unwavering, develop, decision, inretrospect, or better known as “The b.u.d.d.i Concept,” will help guide you and prepare you for your launch and more importantly, it will shore up your confidence and empower you to comfortably and eagerly approach your Success Quest starting line. Let’s get started:

The b.u.d.d.i Concept


“I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.” Zig Ziglar

Success in life and business is about “Balance” or “Equilibrium.” It’s about remaining mentally and physically flexible, thus being able to reasonably adapt to reality’s whimsicalness and quirkiness.

It’s about working on developing an all-encompassing physical awareness of your surroundings. It’s about conditioning your attitude and your minds-eye to be able to detect or determine undesirable shifts in your priorities for life and business.

It’s about bringing all of this together to create a balanced state of mind and, a state of equilibrium between your personal and business lives.

Life is a balancing act between the things you love to do and, the things you hate to do. To achieve success, one of your goals that should always be a priority is to strive to affect a balanced environment for you and your success support core group.

“Balance… The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great power around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are a wise person.”- Euripides c. 480 – c. 406 BC.

The Bottom Line: A potential state of equilibrium, or balance, is essential for your success in life and business. You may ask “What the heck has this all have to do with me becoming a superstar in the Internet Marketing Arena (IMA)?”

There’s a concept I call “The Ripple Effect Conundrum” that basically calls for you, as an entrepreneur, to take a firm stand and be honest, responsible and transparent with the people who are the closest to you.

IMPORTANT: Balancing your personal life with your emerging entrepreneurial life is essential for a smooth shift into the Internet Marketing Arena. You need to clearly understand that whatever you choose to do, will absolutely affect many other people near and dear to you, thus creating “The Ripple Effect Conundrum.”

If your fervent desire is to become an adept and successful Internet Marketer, knowing what needs to be done to shift your life, from comfortable and ordinary to exciting and extraordinary also demands that you acquire, a panoramic “viewing” pattern of your sphere of influence.

This new and exciting life shift will bring forth a multitude of new situations and challenges at home and in the office. Deal with it today. Let me repeat that: Deal with it today or face tough consequences later.

I strongly advise that you bring your close people even closer and, bring them up to speed immediately on what you’re doing.

Discuss the new time constraints that you’re going to face. Discuss the potential financial upsides that everyone will enjoy. Discuss the challenges and realistic downside risks, and most of all, give them as many reasons as possible why this is going to work and how it’s going to work. Make your people part of the process.

Be real about everything but do it now.

Warning: Be aware that Lack of information and simple misunderstandings when added to the daily entrepreneurial stressful events, will make for a potentially explosive situation.

Reality plus these added stressors create resentment, confusion, mistrust and very possibly, the subsequent total breakdown of the existing relationship.

These are pervasive circumstances that are all too common in the world of business and beyond. A perfect storm you might say. Ambiguous, or a total lack of communication, only worsens the situation and creates the business and relationship decimator, that’s way too powerful to contain once unleashed. Take care of this or, it will not be pretty later on.


Introspection and contemplation are tools that will support your very worthwhile and responsible undertaking to achieve “Balance” in every part of your life.

Make personal and business communications and informational fact-finding an acquired behavior pattern. Practice them daily and never assume anything.

Be clear, be straight and most of important of all, don’t just “hear” someone but really listen and understand them. Know what you want to share and, know how you want to say it. Discuss the situation with an impartial advisor if possible. Get an unbiased opinion from someone you trust.

Achieving a “Balanced Life” is a simple but profound process: Ask Questions + Gather Information + Gain Knowledge + Acquire Understanding + Disseminate Information + Communicate Transparently.

Don’t Be a Know-It- All

Everyone thinks they ‘know best’. They ‘all know’ that the IMA is easy, and that they’re going to make a fortune within a few months. Reckless decisions, without broad due diligence, are made when this mind-set creeps in and, you act on it without considering the ramifications.

Blunt assumptions, and not relying on solid research and facts, can be highly self-defeating and, could have dangerous consequences for your Internet Marketing Success Quest.

You should never consider approaching the starting gate of your Internet Marketing Success Quest until you can answer these two question and even then, you don’t approach the IMA until you expand your answers by asking more questions and continue the process of information gathering and exploring. You can never have too much information.

“Get Learned or get Burned,” is something to remember.

Why do you want to enter the ‘Internet Marketing Arena?’

What do you really know about the ‘Internet Marketing Arena?’

These questions, and their answers, are ingredients that make-up the magical key that unlocks the door, that leads a budding Internet Marketer, to the world of extraordinary and, to the world where dreams come true.

Isn’t it worth days, weeks and even months if need be, to exert the due diligence, exploration and information aggregation needed to protect and serve you well? Take the time, and extra effort, to get those answers.

The information that you glean will enable you to confidently dig deeper and expand your knowledge and understanding of the IMA and, this will also help facilitate the unearthing of authenticate, legitimate and sustainable success stories for you to emulate and aspire to.

Hot Tip: If you’re looking to enter the “Arena” because you’re unemployed and need fast money, then do yourself and your family a favor, be responsible, and get 4 more-part time jobs.

Continue your information gathering and exploring the IMA to see what it’s all about and, in time, this information and exploration expedition will eventually lead you to a sustainable victory on your IMA Success Quest.

“Never give up” on your dream of becoming a victorious warrior in the Internet Marketing Arena just do it slowly, carefully and responsibly.


Simple message here: In the Internet Marketing Arena, as in any other industry’s Success Quests, there will always be retreats, respites, setbacks, deflections, diversions and defeat.

If your unwavering commitment to your Success Quest is based on the premise that you’ll “never ever give up striving to succeed,” how could you possibly fail in anything that you decide to do?

What else can an entrepreneur to do to prepare for their Success Quest?

Start by personally answering these additional questions with brutal honesty, and increase your chances of success:

1-What specifically do you find attractive about launching a Success Quest in the Internet Marketing Arena?

2-What distinguishing features of the Internet Marketing Arena do you find intimidating? What are you going to do about it?

3-Who are you launching this Success Quest for? Why?

4-How bad do you need to succeed in the IMA?

5-What are you willing to do, and give up, if you have to, in order to succeed in the IMA?

6-Are you able (family and work obligations?) and willing, to put in the time and dedication required, to exert the proper due diligence and information aggregation needed for success in the IMA? Please understand that this is the only way to ensure victory on any type of Success Quest?

7-How much time do you think you should devote to the process of information aggregation about the IMA?

The commitment that you make to your IMA Success Quest must be unwavering and indefatigable.

If you’re completely honest with yourself, the answers to these questions will provide the insight needed to be able to reveal whether or not, your commitment is incorruptible.

If the answers to these questions leave much too much doubt on the table, don’t be afraid to admit that you’re not ready to launch your Success Quest. This is just a temporary situation. This is just a signal that it’s time to retreat and review your life and business plans.

Retreating is not giving up. It’s being smart and responsible by postponing, rethinking and reexamining all the information you gathered. Fortunately, you’ll now also have the opportunity to start the process of renewed introspection, a powerful Success Support Tool at any point in time.

When you’re ready, you’ll just launch again. You initiate this cycle as many times as it’s needed to achieve your goals and bring home the success and changes you’ve dreamed about.

Remember: “If you do not give up you cannot fail.”

You’ll want to keep the answers to these questions close at hand so that they’re available to remind you why you decided to enter the IMA. These answers can also provide you with the motivation and inspiration you’ll need on your Success Quest in the IMA.

An added benefit of digging deep enough to realize the truthful, and nothing but the truthful, answers to these questions will also generate the guidance, support, and most important of all, the fortitude to support the premise you committed to that you’ll never give up until you achieve a victorious, enduring Success Quest.


We should get this out of the way right now: There is no such thing as “original” ideas. There are just borrowed ideas or concepts with a fresh twist to them.

It’s time to build a treasure-trove of Success Quest Internet Marketing options and ideas. The more the better. Here’s where you have some fun and get creative. It doesn’t matter whether you know the direction of your Internet Marketing Journey or not it’s just crucial that you start to develop some framework that you can work within.

Some development tips:

1-Become a Googlearian and start to research the Internet Marketing world. Search for the most successful and popular Internet Marketers, and their sites and, more importantly, “How they made it happen.”

2- The Process for Creating Original Ideas: Use the concept of “Ulterior Upcycling” (My Concept) to create “original” ideas.

“Ulterior” Defined: Existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; beyond what is immediate or present; coming in the future.

“Upcycling” Defined: Reuse in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original.

When looking for “original” ideas or concepts, start on the “roads less traveled” and stay “off the beaten paths.” Take these great ideas or concepts that you discover on these “unchartered roads” and get creative.

First, determine and pinpoint the most successful and popular ideas or concepts in today’s Internet Marketing Arena. Then continue on to “Creatively Rework” the one you’re most passionate about with your discoveries but make it much more innovative and exciting. Your endgame objective is to aspire to make the new blended idea or concept, your “original” idea or concept of tomorrow.

These are two time-worn sayings but, they’re still invaluable and an important part of the foundation that supports creativity and inventiveness.

Don’t confine your exploration expeditions to one industry. Cross all borders and boundaries and “borrow” ideas and concepts from polar opposite industries and companies whenever possible. Borrow them, Rework them, Improve them and make them yours.

3- A few options to inspire and stimulate creativity:

a- Research old successful ideas from decades ago and meld them with what you found on those “unchartered roads.”

b- Take both sources in letter “a” and combine it with the hottest ideas of today. Create an “original” idea by using multiple ideas.

c- Pull out single distinguishing features of successful ideas or concepts and graft them and transplant them to other ideas and concepts.

Have fun and play with the ideas that you Borrowed. The crazier your thoughts are the better. Different, outlandish, off the wall and even a little weird, would be good adjectives to describe what you need to do to them creatively.

Don’t judge any of them until you have 6-12 ideas on paper. Pick the top 4 and move them into development to be refined, tamed and infused with tractability.

When you’ve cleaned them up it’s time to move them to the “decision” table.


You now have 4 “original” ideas or Internet Marketing concepts and you want to select one to use to launch and build a Success Quest. Which one stays and which one goes? The more options the better. Ideas drop in and drop out as well.

Without knowing anything about you it’s impossible to get specific but there are several questions that might help you pick the option to use to build your Success Quest in the Internet Marketing Arena:

Special Note:

There should never be a time where you banish an idea to oblivion. Remember, all ideas are partly or wholly reusable when reworked, tweaked and finessed with some “creativity.” Buy folders, notebooks and file each and every idea that you come up with. The more ideas that you can come up with the better. Ideas don’t always pan out and you need as many as possible waiting in the wings.

Back to the Questions:

a-Which option tends to take a prominent position in your thoughts when thinking about your 4 choices?

b-Based on all your research is there one option that stands out as one that makes you smile more than the others?

c-Have you weighed the pros and cons of each option? If not take 4 pieces of paper with each page being divided in two. One side for the pros and the other side for the cons.

d- Which one did you do more research on?

e-Feeling strange? Feeling confused? It’s probably not what you think it is. When you’re intuition needs to speak with you it doesn’t do too well when it’s being ignored. Your intuition is very insecure because most people mistake its presence with the feelings of fear or nervousness.

Respect it and give your intuition the benefit of the doubt and it will assist you in such mighty ways. Assume your intuition is on the job waiting for you to speak with it and proceed to start a discussion with it.

Use the 5W’s +1+1 and a paper and pen to see what your intuition is trying to share with you. Ask it questions that start with Who, What, Where, When, Why and How and, add “Which” when choices and options are involved.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Ask yourself questions like, Why am I feeling this way? What are you trying to tell me? Which one do you think I should go with? Why do you feel that way? Ask questions out loud and then remain still, listening for the answers. Write everything down no matter how silly it may be.

Sounds crazy, right? Yes, but it works and, only if you believe in your intuition and give it the respect it deserves. Be patient and give it the chance to show you what it’s capable of doing.

IMPORTANT: Your intuition is powered up and strengthened by information and/or life experiences. The more research, information and life experiences that you feed your intuition the more you can rely on it and, the more you can be assured that your intuition, is working optimally and, providing you with the “appropriate feelings” that will lead you to accurate decisions and choices.

DON’T FORGET: You’re allowed to make mistakes and nothing is forever. You can always change your mind and pick another option. If you make mistakes find how it happened and why. It’s a teachable moment. Embrace it and move on.


“in-retrospect” defined: When looking back on a past event or situation; with hindsight. Synonyms: looking back, on reflection, on re-examination, in/with hindsight

Examples: 1-“perhaps, in retrospect, I shouldn’t have gone” 2-“in retrospect, we can see that more guards should have been installed at the front gate”

In retrospect, we’re all geniuses. The old “20/20 is hindsight” idiom is a lame excuse in most cases and, it’s used as a euphemism for “I was too lazy to dig deep and do my “Information Aggregation.”

You don’t want to have to be standing in front of your business team or family, explaining the devastation before you, and have to declare “in retrospect, I should have known that.”

There will be many times that you unequivocally knew, that you did everything humanly possible to complete a comprehensive information aggregation along with a thorough exploration, investigation and probe of the Internet Marketing Arena and yet, “stuff” still happened.

When you’ve done everything to plan and prepare, and setbacks, diversions and mistakes still engulf you, this is a condition that is known as “Shit Happens.” It’s just life happening and, there’s no rhyme or reason for the situation at hand.

In these cases: “Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what now seems so obvious in hindsight.” – Judy Belmont

What to do next when this is not the case:

You’ve done the heavy lifting, picked the internet marketing concept that you want to launch your Success Quest with and now, it’s time to enter the Arena, The Internet Marketing Arena.

Know this before you enter the “Arena”: Entering “The Arena” is the easy part of your Success Quest. Maintaining, Sustaining and “Dancing” with Reality is the most challenging part and, the crucial link to achieving a sustainable victory on your Success Quest.

Keeping the process simple and at top-of-mind are the essential elements in supporting the course of action needed for the maintaining and sustaining of your emerging Success Quest.

The Process is:

Step #1: Vigilance + Retrospection and Review.

Step #2: Fix it + Learn from it + File it + Move on.

Step #1: Deliberate and incessant 24/7/365 “Vigilance” from your watchtower is absolutely necessary to maintain the balance and safety of your Success Quest.

Proceeding with eyes wide open panoramically and, being on the deliberate and purposeful lookout for the “bad stuff” and the “good stuff,” will keep you securely in proactive mode and, enable you to counter the effects of the “Bad Stuff” while taking advantage of the “Good Stuff.”

Applying “Retrospection and Review” to the “Bad Stuff” will mitigate or eliminate the setbacks, diversions and mistakes that jump out at you. By having the ability and state of mind to identify these adverse situations in a timely fashion, will allow you the opportunity to examine the past and then, “go back to the future” to work on remedies and solutions.

The application of the “Retrospection and Review” process will also allow you to pinpoint and identify business and personal opportunities that you’re able to take advantage of and, develop into full blown “marketing marvels.”

Step #2: “Bad Stuff” get’s “Fixed” and the “Good Stuff” goes into development. Intently and thoroughly examine the “Bad Stuff.” Determine what happened and Learn from it. Figure out how to fix it and then move forward. Write down what happened, how it was solved and then file the information for future use.

Success Support Tools:

Two Links leading to indispensable Success Support Tools that will help you with all the steps and ideas in this entire article and, throughout your entire Success Quest are:

1 – Questions: The 5W’s +1

2 – S.W.O.T.

The advice and information in this entire article is meant to be used before you step up to the starting gate of your Success Quest.

The article’s prime mission is to encourage and inspire you to aggressively acquire the knowledge and understanding of where you’re going, why you’re going there and remind you that sustainable success is more attainable with a “balanced” life.

Reminder: Ask Questions + Gather Information + Gain Knowledge + Acquire Understanding + Disseminate Information + Communicate Transparently= The attainment of a “balanced life”

I wish you all the best. Just remember “if you never give up, you will not fail”

Posted in Internet Marketing

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