Internet Marketers – How Much Time Do You Waste?
Okay, so just about everyone in the world knows by now that it’s possible to make money online as an internet marketer, and a lot of it. So there are a lot of people starting internet marketing businesses on a daily basis, but a very big problem many internet marketers have is that they waste a lot of time when they think they are “working” but really aren’t. Take a long hard look at your daily routine and see just how much time you waste.
Obviously if you are an internet marketer then you spend your days online. That means there are about a million distractions always right there just waiting for you and it’s the number one reason why most internet marketing business owners waste a lot of their time not actually working. You can easily click away from whatever you should be working on to get on social sites, play games, watch videos, instant message people, or do just about anything else.
Another reason why many internet marketers waste a lot of time is because they are working at home. This means they have family, friends, pets, and all sorts of other things around to distract them. You’re wasting a lot of time if you are sitting there talking with your friends or whatever else when you are supposed to be working on your business.
Also, how many times per day do you check your email? How many times every day do you check your various stats? How many times do you get on facebook or twitter? How much time do you spend reading forums and blogs every day? How often do you get distracted by news? How much searching for all sorts of different things do you do every day? Okay I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Doing those things might be a very small part of an internet marketing business but they certainly aren’t the tasks that are paying your bills! You need to be writing content, building backlinks, researching niches, utilizing various marketing strategies, creating new sites, and other stuff along those lines if you truly want to successfully make money online.
So, you need to be honest with yourself if you truly want your internet marketing business to make money. Look at how much time you are wasting every day and you might be shocked at how much it really is. Now you should take the necessary steps to eliminate the reasons why you are wasting all that time. There’s no doubt that focusing a lot more and wasting less time will help make you a much more successful internet marketer.
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