Using Social Sites as Part of Your Internet Marketing Strategy
Social bookmarking and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Mixx and so many others bring in millions of visitors every single day and they seem to be getting even more popular as time goes on. People love to use them and it looks like they are going to continue to be popular for a long time.
Personally, I don’t think social sites are a very good addition to the internet marketing strategies I use for my business. But there’s no denying the popularity of these sites can help internet marketers bring in massive traffic to their websites.
Here are a few simple reasons why you might want to mix social sites in with your other internet marketing strategies…
1) Social sites are extremely popular
This is probably the best reason to use social networking and social bookmarking sites for your internet marketing business. They are so popular that a lot of traffic can be driven to your website by using them. Millions of people use these sites every single day which means there are millions of people who can be marketed to every single day.
2) Social sites are fun
The reason why social sites are so popular for the vast majority of people is because they are fun to use. That can be part of the advantage of using them in your internet marketing efforts also because it doesn’t feel like work when you’re building your internet business using social networking sites. Plus, using these sites can certainly help you make money, and that’s always a lot of fun.
3) Social sites are free
Another reason to use social sites for marketing your internet business is because they are free. Depending on the methods you use, it can get very expensive to market an online business. But social sites are completely free to use. This means that every cent you make from using social sites is pure profit.
One thing I feel I must add is that typically the traffic that comes from social sites does not convert very well. That means it’s a lot harder to make money from social traffic than it is from most other forms of marketing. They can also be a big time suck. Before you know it, you have wasted your whole day away on social sites. You need to use them in moderation. Don’t try to build your internet marketing business solely from social sites. Just use them as a small part of your overall internet marketing strategy.
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