How to Make Blogging Fun Forever

Whether you make money blogging or just do it to share your thoughts with the world, you will be much more likely to stay committed to your blog if it doesn’t seem like a job or chore. Your blog should be updated regularly, considering that is the point of blogging, but you might eventually reach the point where you feel like you have nothing left to say. If you’re not careful, your blog may end up joining the millions of other blogs that have already been abandoned.

I have a LOT of blogs about all sorts of different topics and many of them are even on the same (or similar) topics. I don’t update all of them frequently but several of them I do, so I know a thing or two about trying to keep the blogging juices flowing. Keeping your blog alive while continuing to have fun doing it doesn’t have to be difficult. Below I have discussed a few good ways to make sure you have fun with your blog while updating it regularly:

1) Be enthusiastic about your topic

The more inspired and passionate you are about the subject of your blog, the more that enthusiasm is going to shine through to infect your readers. It doesn’t matter if you’re blogging about internet marketing strategies, amusement park rides, weight loss tips, or whatever else – if you find it interesting, your readers probably will too and you will have fun blogging about it.

It’s also helpful if you have strong writing skills so you can properly express your enthusiasm rather than writing flat, uninteresting posts. Blogging is writing so you should like to write if you are going to stay enthused about your blog.

2) Always be looking for new information

When you first start your blog you’ll probably have a ton of tips and information to share, but as time goes on you may feel like you’re running out of things to say. A good way to overcome this problem is to stay active in finding more information relating to your blog topic. Visit bookstores and skim through magazines and books related to your blog niche. Do the same with your local library. Sign up for newsletters on your topic, and participate in online discussion forums. Watch TV, read other blogs, browse through article directories, etc… All of these resources offer plenty of information to keep your blogging ideas fresh.

3) Challenge yourself

One of the most common reasons bloggers get bored and abandon their blogs is because they stop challenging themselves to create interesting posts. Try playing an association game each day to liven things up. Let’s say your blog topic is digital cameras. Take any book (a dictionary or thesaurus works well) and open to a random entry. If you opened to the word “counterfeit” you could research and write a post about how to avoid getting burned by buying a counterfeit camera. If you opened to the word “lopsided” you could write a post about how to properly frame a shot, and so on. You can come up with thousands of great post ideas this way.

You could also start at the beginning of each week with a list of topics and push yourself to write at least one post per day to cover one of the topics – even if you may be tempted to procrastinate. Challenge yourself to be more disciplined, and eventually you’ll enjoy the feeling of satisfaction you get from accomplishing your blogging goals.

There are plenty of ways to keep your blog fresh and fun forever. Just think outside the box and use the things that are all around you. Blogging is a great way to make money, build a business, share your thoughts, have fun, and so much more!

Posted in Blogging

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